Axel Schönbucher

Reaktive Strömungen

Reaktive Strömungen (Flammen) und nicht reaktive Strömungen

Diagnostics and CFD Simulation of buoyant reacting and non-reacting flows


Large scale pool fires

Pool diameters: 1 m < d < 25 m;
Fuels: LNG, n-pentane, premium gasoline, regular grade gasoline, diesel, JP-4, Di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP)

From measured instantaneous thermographic images a logarithmic pdf of SEP is derived. Thermal radiation model OSRAMO II is validated for sooty large pool fires.

From CFD simulation instantaneous isotherms, isosurfaces of temperature, SEP, flow fields and irradiances E(t, Δy) are calculated.

Methane ( d = 1 m )
Flow field and isotherms, kerosene (d = 20 m)

Small scale fires

Tank diameter: 1 cm < d < 25 cm:
Fuels: hydrocarbons (methane to heptane), alcohols, acetaldehyde, acetone, diethyl ether, acetic acid, -ester, benzene, hydrogen

With a holographic real-time interferometer organized structures of the mass density field and luminous flame are visualized.

From interferometric patterns oscillation phenomena are determined.

Measurements of temperature, concentration of stable molecules and flow velocities are carried out.

Methane tank fire (d = 4.6 cm)

From interferometric patterns instantaneous radial mass density and temperature profiles are calculated by using the Abel inversion.

Small scale non-reacting flows

Pool diameter: 1 cm < d < 25 cm;
Fluids: helium, hot air

With a holographic real-time interferometer organized structures in the mass density field integrated along the light path are visualized.

CFD-simulated sections of instantaneous isolines of mass density and the mass density field integrated along the z-axis, helium flow (d = 4.6 cm, 20°C)