MBFSt-Kennziffer: 2761 Abschlussbericht (Januar 2010)
Accidental fire in process plants, e.g. pool or tank fires show a potential risk for humans and neighboring facilities due to their thermal radiation, and formation of combustion products such as soot particles. Such fires are relatively little investigated experimentally and especially with CFD simulations. Detailed investigation of such fires must be done especially in a field of thermal radiation from the fire to the surrounding. CFD simulations of large pool fires are done, also to reduce the number of large scale experiments. CFD simulation offers spatially and temporally resolution of thermal radiation inside and outside the fire as a function of the fire dynamics.
In this work 3D transient CFD simulations of sooty, large, hydrocarbon pool fires e.g. JP- 4 with d = 2 m, 8 m, 16 m, 20 m and 25 m are done to predict the emission temperatures (T), the surface emissive power (SEP) and the irradiances (E(Δy/d)). The large JP-4 pool fires with d = 2 m, 20 m and 25 m are also investigated by CFD under the influence of the cross wind with various wind condition (0.7 m/s ≤ uw ≤ 16 m/s) to predict the influence of flame tilt and drag on the SEPCFD and ECFD (Δy/d). The simulations are done by using ANSYS CFX and ANSYS FLUENT softwares. Different models have been tested to find the best prediction of the experimental data.